Il y a dix ans, afin de rendre hommage à la princesse Diana, Sir Elton John réécrivait sa chanson « Candle in the wind », composée en 1973 pour Marylin Monroe. Cette chanson devient « Goodbye England’s Rose ».
Aujourd’hui je fais de même. Après que Mademoiselle Royal se soit prise à Melle pour La Rose, à elle toute seule. Pendant que la flamme socialiste vacille sous les coups de vent de La Rochelle. Alors que François Hollande ne retient plus ses roses que par les épines. Voici ma réédition toute personnelle du « Gooddbye England’s Rose ». Voici « Goodbye Holland’s Rose ».
Goodbye Holland's Rose; May you grow again in our hearts; You were the class-action that placed itself Where lives were torn apart. You called out to our country; And you whispered to those in pain; Now you belong to the past And the stars spell out your disaster.
Chorus: And it seems to me you lived your life; dancing boogie in the wind; Never fading with the sunset; When the rain set in; And your footsteps will always fall here; on this dance floor; Your Legend burned out long before; the music never will.
Loveliness we've lost; These empty days without your smile; This torch we'll always carry
For our nation's golden child; And even though we try; The truth brings us to tears; All our words cannot express; The joy you brought us through this election campaign.
Goodbye Holland's Rose; May you grow again in our hearts; You were the class-action that placed itself, Where lives were torn apart. Goodbye Holland's Rose; From a labor-party lost without its soul; Who'll not miss the wings of some ambitions; More than you'll ever know.
Sir Elton Sil
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